7th March 2010 – Cu Chi Tunnels

All three of us slept alright, woke up in the morning, and left Stephen’s place with the key to the gates and my camera bag. We walked out to the main street and flagged a Vinasun taxi. I had to get used to the traffic in Vietnam, having the taxis stop on the right sideContinue reading “7th March 2010 – Cu Chi Tunnels”

6th March 2010 – Ho Chin Minh

6th March 2010 I met up with Yee Ting and Enno at Singapore’s Budget Terminal. We checked in our backpacks and took off for HCMC at 1520 on Tiger Airways TR328. Hearing multiple stories about budget flights delaying with no reason, ours went very smooth and on time, without any discrepancies. Lucky us. It wasContinue reading “6th March 2010 – Ho Chin Minh”

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